Smart Pay is offering bill payment services to customers at their doorstep through our network of agents. Now pay all your bills conveniently from one place. With our Bill Payments Service, save time and avoid waiting in long queues and travelling long distances to pay bills, pay all your bills in one place and next-door. Smart Pay We make your life SIMPLE.
Smart Pay Agents can subscribe to provide BBPS to the customers. Once an interested merchant registers as a Smart Pay Agent, they will be eligible to provide financial services. Anyone can walk up to a Smart Pay Agent to pay utility bills. The payment to the Smart Pay Agent can then be made via cash, card or even through AePS. Every transaction is absolutely secure and safe.
Pay all your bills in one place
With Smart Pay make Phone and DTH recharges in seconds. Over 30,800 million bills amounting to more than Rs. 6000 billion are generated each year in the top 20 cities in India. Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) is an RBI mandated system which offers integrated and interoperable bill payment services to customers across geographies with certainty, reliability and safety of transactions. BBPS is a RBI mandated system which offers integrated and interoperable bill payment services to customers across geographies with certainty, reliability and safety of transactions.
Smart Pay as a Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit (BBPOU) offers bill payment services to customers through its network of agents O2O (offline to online) for Electricity, Gas, Water, Mobile and DTH bills.